Viewing Title Information

For all types of searches except Browse, the heading of your search results list shows how many titles were found and your current viewing position in the list. To navigate the results list, select the page number links at the top or bottom of the results list. Select the arrows next to the page numbers to see the previous and next pages. Use the per page box to select the number of titles to list on each page. If you want to sort your search results in a different order, select the Sort box and select a sort option.

Relevance sorts titles in the search results so that those that seem most likely to meet your needs appear first in the list. Words that appear in both title and subject fields are considered in determining relevance. Most Popular sorts titles in the search results so that the titles most frequently checked out or requested over the past 120 days appear first in the list.

When you select a sort option that combines two categories, the results are sorted by the first category, then by the second. For example, if you choose to sort by Author, then Publication Date, the results are sorted first by author, then by publication date within the group of each author’s titles.

Brief Title Information

The results list shows brief information about each title. You may see information under each title that shows where your search term occurs in the record for the title. You can also place your cursor over the cover image or tap the image to see more summary information. This information can help you decide whether the title interests you.

If the title is a serial such as a magazine or a newspaper, you may see a range of the issues the library system keeps. (Gaps are not included, and certain issues may not be available locally.) Select Availability to see details about the issues at each branch.

If you sort your search results by publication date, the sorting of serial titles in the results may not be obvious since the publication date is not displayed in the brief results for these titles.

If you searched databases other than the library catalog, and a title is from another database, the brief information for the title displays a database icon and the source database.

From here, you can see more information and work with any title:

Click or tap the format icon to see the Librarian’s View (MARC record) for the title. This information is most useful to librarians responsible for the library’s catalog records.

Viewing More Details

Select the title itself or Full Display to see more information about the title.

Select Availability to see where copies are available, without viewing full title information. You can also see availability information in the full display for the title.

Bibliographic Information

Select Full Display to see bibliographic information for a title. You may find links in the full record for the title. For example, you may be able to click or tap the author’s name to browse authors in the catalog, beginning with the name you selected. This is an easy way to find other titles by the same author. Other links may lead you to titles about related subjects.

The bibliographic record may include a call number. This call number does not necessarily correspond to the classification method of a particular branch. Local call numbers for specific items may be included in the availability list. Select Availability to see specific items and locations.

MARC Record (Librarian’s View)

You may see a Librarian’s View option. Select Librarian’s View to see the MARC record for the title. This information is most useful to librarians responsible for the library’s catalog records. You can also select the format icon for the title to see the Librarian’s View.

Additional Title Information

Your library may subscribe to additional services—such as tables of contents, reviews, and summaries—for titles in your search results list. Select the title, the book jacket, or Full Display for a title in the search results list. Detailed information about the title is displayed. Scroll the page down and select an option below the title information to expand the option. You can click Expand All to open all at once, or Collapse All to close all the options.

Summary, Reviews, Large Cover Images, Excerpts - This type of information is displayed when you select the option. (Awards appear in a new browser window.)

Tags, Other Editions, Similar Titles - Select this option to open the Tag Browser. The Tag Browser displays the tags for your title, other related tags, and a list of titles that have been tagged with the same term you selected. Click or tap a title to search for the title in the library catalog, or select another tag to list titles that have been tagged with the new term.

You can also search for other tags. Type a term in the Tag search box and click or tap Search. The Tag Browser lists titles tagged with the term you typed.

Link to NoveList - Your library may offer Ebsco’s NoveList® , a readers’ advisory service for fiction titles. You can select a link to view additional information about a title in your search results, and do further searches for fiction within NoveList. When you select this link the NoveList Web site opens in a new window. Links to external resources such as NoveList are marked by a Web link icon .

More titles like this - Select this option to get a list of related titles available at the library. If your library offers related titles, you see a list of title links in the lower part of the title information. The availability count is displayed for each title, and the list is sorted so that titles with at least one available copy in the system are listed first, and those with no available copies are listed last. The list is sub-sorted by relevance. You can select a title link to search for the title in the library. In the More Titles Like This list, you can select Why This Title? to display the reason for the title suggestion. When the reason is displayed, you can select the minus sign by the link to suppress the reason.

More authors like this - Select this option for a list of similar authors. Select an author link in the list to launch a browse search by that author in the catalog.

Find similar titles - This link takes you to a Web site where you can specify the characteristics of a title that interests you and get a list of similar titles available at the library.

Google Preview

Google Preview is a book viewer for books that have previews in Google Book Search. You may see a Google Preview button for titles in your search results. When you click or tap the button, the preview is displayed in its own window. You can use the preview controls to page through the preview. Select X in the corner of the window to close the preview and return to your search results.

Recently Viewed Titles

If you are working in the library and are concerned about your privacy, select Turn off recently viewed titles when you have finished using the catalog.

If you have looked at the full display for at least one title in your search results, your library may display a Recently Viewed Titles list at the side of (computer or tablet) or below (phone) title information or search results pages. The Recently Viewed Titles list displays titles you have already viewed, including the cover image, title, author, format icon, and publication date. You can click a title in the list to search for the title. The list is available for your current session. You can disable the feature for your session by selecting Turn off recently viewed titles. This action clears the list. You can start it again by selecting Turn on recently viewed titles.